Game Modding is one of my favorite hobbies as it allows me to create and shape a vision from a game which already exists and game modding and game design go hand in hand, since for both tasks you need a vision before you can start designing or modding a game to shape it into what you want. While games have their deadlines and work constraints, mods allow it’s features to go beyond the developer’s visions and capabilities. While it is a lot simpler and easier to install mods nowadays, managing hundreds of mods for a single game is still a daunting and technical task which requires very careful consideration and eye for detail, and the key is to mod games in a way that the changes fit better than their original design and purpose which at the end of the day improves the game.
The three examples below allow for total conversion of their games.
Fallout 4
Fallout 4 Various Overhaul Projects
After thousands of hours playing and modding Fallout 4, I can easily say that it is one of the most moddable game out there as Bethesda gives open source access to users in order to improve upon it, change features completely and even fix bugs. In a design standpoint you can envision the game to be more horror oriented, therefore you can install mods that include zombie changes, creepy weather and whichever horror element you would like to have in the game. It’s even possible to make the game look like a Silent Hill remake. With modding, anything is possible since there are thousands of passionate creators out there. Hundreds of overhaul projects were taken by me as a game design overhaul, which can completely change the look, feel and gameplay of the game.
Enderal: Beautification and Improving Everything
Skyrim is a particular game. It is also developed by Bethesda which gives you access to the CreationKit. An indie development group used the Skyrim Engine to create an entirely new role playing game called Enderal: Forgotten Stories. In the case of modding Skyrim and Enderal, some mods are interchangeable between the two, however the majority of mods don’t work. This required me to learn how to do some Papyrus edits in order to create patches so a mod from original Skyrim works with Enderal. One of the most fun activities in modding Enderal or Skyrim is trying to make it feel more realistic and innovating on new features which can be seen in newer games in order to make it as modern as possible. This can be done by using new graphic mods, ENB, Reshade, 4K Textures, UI changes and addons, improved AI and difficulty and changing the animations using Nemesis. Doing all these changes requires a deep knowledge of how modding works, or else it is very easy to introduce bugs into the game, make it crash more often or not launch at all.
Enderal mod made by me with xEdit and Papyrus
The mod above EGO SE – Intense Dark Souls Style Overhaul was made by me using the xEdit tool to edit Papyrus values and it overhauls the initial stats and regen values of stamina, health and magicka for each race in Enderal to give the game the fighting style that is found in Dark Souls. Various versions were made so users can tailor their experience. You can click the image to visit the NexusMods link.
Sekiro: Kurosawa Project
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, which was developed by FromSoftware allowed me to change it’s feeling from a video game to looking like a movie directed by Kurosawa who made the old black and white samurai movies in the 60’s with the likes of Harakiri. The first process was to add a Reshade with a monochrome filter, film grain and black border which makes it look like a live action movie from the past. The next step was to change the clothes and face to match the ones which Toshiro Mifune is wearing, which was a black robe of high class. Changing his face to match his by adding a beard and changing his hair color to darker black. Increasing the rendering distance of the game by two times to improve the graphic fidelity in the distance, reducing the UI elements to make it feel less like a video game. Secondly all sound prompts where removed to make it more realistic and all music was replaced with music from Kurosawa’s movies. The game now feels like an original Kurosawa movie.
Music Production and Sound Engineering
I have some knowledge and experience in music production and sound engineering such as the use of Ableton and FMOD.
Original Lo-Fi Song made by me
Taking inspiration from many other Lo-Fi songs, this is a LoFi song made by me using Ableton.
Adaptive Sound Programming with FMOD plugin for Unity C#
This demonstrates the use of FMOD programming in order to situationally change the volume, sound and music that is playing depending on the scenario
2D Game Sound Design Effects & Music
This video encapsulates the use of Ableton in order to create and edit the sounds of game effects and the background music.
3D Model Showcase
For our 3D design subject we were tasked to create a park with a cafeteria and playground, in which many assets were made in order to capture that idea.
Images below:
Unrendered Raw Models
Cafe Bottle
Cash Register
Coffee Glass
Indoor Lighting
Milk Bottle
Lamp Post
Bar Counter
Picnic Bench
Indoor Bar Shelf
Playing Slide
Cafeteria Window
Bar Stool
Rendered Images & Video
Graphic Design Showcase
Graphic design is a vast term and it is such a valuable skill to have as with that you can create any flat art or small animations which you might require. Such examples of this it can be photo editing, or even making all the sprites, textures and 2D objects required in a game. Such as Menu design, Hud design, textures for 2D and 3D objects and many more. Applications used were Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
Application UI/UX Design Showcase
During our entrepreneurship subject, we were tasked to create a product with a group from another college major in order to combine our skills and knowledge. With that we created PregMate. A workout mobile app dedicated for pre-natal and post-natal mothers. It was my job to create a responsive design in which could be later developed into a fully functional app. AdobeXD was used in order to create the user interface and user experience throughout the app.